British Columbia:

total area: 944,735 square kilometers

population: Approximately 5.1 million people

official language: English

Capital: Victoria

Climate: Diverse, coastal rainforests

Economic industries: Technology, film, tourism


This province offers unique opportunities, including sightseeing on the North Atlantic coast, vibrant cities like Vancouver, and adventure in its beautiful nature.



total area: 661,848 square kilometers

population: Approximately 4.4 million people

official language: English

Capital: Edmonton

Climate: Diverse, from plains to mountainous areas

Economic industries: Oil and gas, agriculture, technology


Home to the beautiful Rocky Mountains and dynamic and vibrant cities like Calgary and Edmonton, Alberta offers economic opportunities and beautiful natural scenery.



total area: 651,036 square kilometers

population: Approximately 1.2 million people

official language: English

Capital: Regina

Climate: Plain climate with cold winters

Economic industries: Agriculture, mining, manufacturing


In this province, Regina and Saskatoon provide a high quality of life amidst spectacular scenery.



The hospitable people, balanced lifestyle and beauty of Lake Shore, Manitoba define it.


total area: 647,797 square kilometers

population: Approximately 1.4 million people

official language: English

Capital: Winnipeg

Climate: Diverse, from continental to arctic climates

Economic industries: Agriculture, production, aerospace



Toronto, which is the economic center of Canada, includes Toronto and Ottawa. Varied opportunities and rich culture define this province.


total area: 1,076,395 square kilometers

population: Approximately 14.7 million people

official language: English

Capital: Toronto

Climate: Diverse, from warm temperate to sub-arctic climates

Economic industries: Finance, technology, production



total area: 1,365,128 square kilometers

population: Approximately 8.4 million people

official language: French

Capital: Quebec

Climate: Diverse, from warm temperate to arctic climates

Economic industries: Aerospace, technology, tourism


Quebec, whose official language is French, is known for its historic architecture, vibrant festivals and the multicultural city of Montreal.


New Brunswick:

total area: 72,908 square kilometers

population: Approximately 780,000 people

Official languages: English, French

Capital: Fredericton

Climate: Diverse, from moderately hot to moderately humid climates

Economic industries: Forestry, agriculture, tourism


On the Atlantic coast, the province combines historic charm with natural wonders, including the Bay of Fundy.



Prince Edward Island:

total area: 5,660 square kilometers

population: Approximately 160,000 people

Official languages: English

Capital: Charlottetown

Climate: Maritime climate with mild winters

Economic industries: Agriculture, tourism, fishing


A peaceful island-province known for its red sand beaches and charming countryside.

Nova Scotia:

total area: 55,284 square kilometers

population: Approximately 975,000 people

Official languages: English

Capital: Halifax

Climate: Diverse, from warm temperate climates to maritime climates

Economic industries: Fishing, tourism, technology


Coastal living at its best, Nova Scotia is known for its historic sites and beautiful scenery with Halifax as its capital.


Newfoundland and Labrador:

total area: 405,212 square kilometers

population: Approximately 520,000 people

Official languages: English

Capital: St. John’s

Climate: Diverse, from semi-polar to polar

Economic industries: Oil and gas, fishing, mining


The most northeastern province of Canada with unique beauty and culture. St. John’s, the capital, and coastal glaciers define the province.